Tuesday, April 19, 2011

{two weeks left!}

I have finally come to the realization that one day this trip of mine will end and that I will have to return to the land of mzungu's and high prices. Today while we were at our orphanage we let Mama Cecilia know that we would be leaving in two weeks on May 2nd and that M'Liss and Cami would be gone for a week in Zanzibar. She started crying and telling us how much she would miss us and of course as we are sitting there with all of the kids, we three start crying as well. The little kids, especially Juma, were having fun pointing and laughing at us, because I'm sure four grown ups crying in a room full of little kids is a bit of a funny sight, usually its the other way around. I've realized that I am going to miss my little ones so so much!

Juma, Juma, Juma. What to say about him. He can be the sweetest boy, yet he can also be such a pill, but do you ever really get one without the other? He loves to fan us with books while we get there, and often times he is my little translator. When he knows I'm getting frustrated with one of the kids he often sits them down and points at them speaking in swahili, I'm assuming telling them to "sit down! and listen to the teacher!" ha. I'm not sure what he says, but I love that he tries to help.

Shamimu. She is the sweetest little girl you've ever laid eyes on. She never yells, she waits her turn, and she's brilliant! She is the smartest one of them all. She knows all of her colors, her numbers, and most of her letters. She is always the first one to answer, or is a cheat and whispers the answers to the other kids when they don't know it.

Jessica has the biggest smile on this earth. It literally stretches across her entire face, I love it! I have a million pictures of her because her smile is so gosh dang beautiful. When we first got there she was so stubborn, she didn't have to listen to any one, and my goodness, if she didn't want to tell you the answer, she didn't have to tell you the answer. We have made so much progress with her though and she's turned right around and shouts out all the answers and is so obedient and considerate. She loves to be held, and I love to hold her, it works out perfectly.

Bonny. Everyone knows that he is my favorite. He is the cutest, funniest, quirkiest little child to roam the planet. I love when he goes off on his little spills and he talks and talks and talks in swahili and of course we don't understand him. He also has a tendancy to lunge at me, perfectly trusting that I'll catch him no matter what. I love throwing him in the air and reading with him. He also made a huge improvement over the past while. He knows the colors better than anyone, and thank goodness, we've finally got him sitting up straight instead of on his head the entire time.

Anitha, I wouldn't exactly say she has made a whole lot of progress, but she definitely is up there for the most entertaining. It is always a gamble as to what type of mood she'll be in when we get there. If she's grumpy, she's grumpy and there is nothing we can do about it. She doesn't like listening to people or being told what to do. However, she gets in these quirky attitudes where she walks around singing and dancing and you can't help but laugh at her.

Lastly, I'll miss Mama Cecilia. She is the most gracious, brave, and determined women I've ever met. She is in her twenties, working on a masters degree, and raising five children. Can you imagine that? And she still finds the time to get us treats or presents for coming to visit, whether it is a necklace, banana's, or cucumbers, she always shows her gratitude. I love her so much and respect what she's doing with these kids.

Anyway, that is all I have time for today. I hope that all is well back at home. Everything is great here, except for the fact that it hasn't rained in ages. It's getting too hot, rain is essential. Talk to you soon!



  1. Enjoy your time!! You'll be so sad when it's over but I'll be excited to see you!!! Love you!

  2. I'll be so happy to see your BROWN little smiling face :D


  3. I will miss hearing about your adventures!!! What a great experience.
