Tuesday, February 1, 2011

{siku moja}

{day one}

did you know?
     there are currently 1.4 million people infected with HIV/AIDS in tanzania resulting in 96,000 deaths. that is five and a half times that of my lovely home away from home town of rexburg, idaho.
     for those of you less familiar with rexburg, that is about half the size of the provo/orem area. now that may not seem like a whole lot of people for an entire country. but remember that many of those 96,000 deaths are parents leaving their small children hopeless, and helpless.
     a child is expected to complete no more than 5 years of school, and that is if they are lucky. so, to all of you college students complaining about your homework, or to all of you parents complaining about your jobs that keep you busy all day long, remember to be grateful for the roof over your head and the food in your pantries, but most of all, for your families--for your mom and dad you get to hug each night, for your kids you get to tuck in bed.


  1. I love the blog Kels! I think it's a great idea and I can't wait to read more about Africa. I'm so excited for you!

  2. Yes! Great job on the blog, I can't wait to read more also. Cute pictures, you're gonna love those little ones . . . how many do you think will fit in your suitcase ??


